I have always like trains. There is nothing like a couple thousand tons of metal thundering along steel rails. They are efficient, powerful, and dangerous. When I lived in the Columbia Gorge, I was able to stop for train pictures on my commute to work, so I got a lot of them. I also would go out on Sundays to stalk the elusive Mount Hood Railroad on its way to and from Parkdale in the shadow of its namesake, Mount Hood.
The following pictures are some of the highlights of my train habit. There are many more, so I’ll be adding more as time goes by. There will be some for sale in the near future.

©2021 Gary L. Quay
I have tried in vain to get this picture for years, but I never seem to be in the right place, or it ends up blurry, or my timing isn’t quite right. This time was different. The train was moving at about 40mph, and I had the ISO cranked up to 800 with a wide angle lens at f11. I finally have it!
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 24-85mm Nikon

©2019 Gary L. Quay
I was not aware that there were doors in the front of locomotives, but here’s one.
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 24-85mm Nikon

©2013 Gary L. Quay
My first Infrared shot of the season. The sun was setting behind the train.
Camera: Speed Graphic 4×5.
Lens: 127mm Kodak Ektar.
Film: Rollei IR 400 developed in Ilfotec HC.

©2016 Gary L. Quay
Newtonian physics in practice. Momentum personified.
Gaia and I were out taking pictures for the photography book I’m working on. I heard an approaching train, and couldn’t resist.
Camera: Nikon D300.
Lens: 24-120mm Nikon VR.

©2018 Gary L. Quay
I was out train spotting (no, not that kind) with Gaia in May of 2018. We caught up with this one coming into Lyle that afternoon.
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 28-105mm Nikon D

©2018 Gary L. Quay
Union Pacific 2726 and about a mile of train crossing the trestle on the eastern edge of Hood River, in the Columbia Gorge, Oregon.
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 600mm Tamron

©2017 Gary L. Quay
I took this picture during the Eagle Creek fire. I believe it was near Underwood, Washington. I didn’t do much photography while the fire was burning. The situation was deeply saddening. I got the camera out a few times, however, and this was one of them. The sun wasn’t quite setting yet, but it cast an orange glow on everything due to the smoke.
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 24-120mm Nikon ED

©2015 Gary L. Quay
This is from my last ever roll of Kodak HIE. I kept it frozen for years, and got it out in the summer of 2015.
Camera: Nikon F3
Lens: 50mm Nikon.
Film: Kodak HIE infrared.

©2018 Gary L. Quay
I had been wanting to get this picture for a long time. I finally did it in 2018.
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 28-105mm Nikon-D

©2018 Gary L. Quay
I photographed this spot twenty years ago with a Minolta XG-1 and Konica Infrared film. I decided to have another go at it with decidedly more modern camera, and after 20 more years of practice. It’s not bad. The clouds definately help.
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 28-105 Nikkon D

©2010 Gary L. Quay
The Mount Hood Railroad’s locomotive at night. From my “Night Shift” series.
Camera: Deardorff 8×10 with 4×5 back.
Lens: 19″ Goerz APO Artar.
Film: Kodak Tri-X 320 developed in Kodak D76.
I hope you enjoyed the trains.
Thanks for looking!
–Gary L. Quay