When entering The Catacombs, carry the right kind of wine.The Vault (or catacombs) is my euphemism for my older work. I keep my negatives in protective sheets in 3-ring binders labeled by the type of film, and the number of...
Large Format Large format is the Holy Grail of film photography. It’s elusive, mythological to all but the most devoted, and rare. When asked what camera to take along for a photo shoot, Ansel Adams replied “The biggest on you...
Film is my passion in photography. I have pursued it for over 4 decades. I am currently trying to get my new house to support a darkroom, and it is not going to be easy, but I want to offer...
I finally made it down to the viewpoint at White River Falls with an 8×10 camera in May. My left knee was well enough to attempt the climb down with 70 pounds of camera gear. There may be hope yet.
Greetings, My photography will be on display at Anna Bananna’s at 8716 N Lombard St in Portland, Oregon. This will be a themed show consisting of waterfall images. I can’t think of a better way to usher in the rainy...