Summer Arts Festivals
I have some upcoming Arts Festivals to announce. June 8th and 9th 2024: The Troutdale Arts Festival. July 13th and 14th 2024, Bend Summer Fesival. July 20th 2024: The Gresham Arts Festival.
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
I have some upcoming Arts Festivals to announce. June 8th and 9th 2024: The Troutdale Arts Festival. July 13th and 14th 2024, Bend Summer Fesival. July 20th 2024: The Gresham Arts Festival.
I have recently begun the process of selling more work. I have some cards printed up, and will be making some postcards soon. I will make them available on the site when I get the store up and running. The...
I will be updating this page frequently to show my current projects, and to let people know about future projects. Rowena Path and Tree, September 2023 Rowena Path and Tree, September 2023 ©2023 Gary L. Quay Getting ready for Fall...
Rain usually does not come to the Columbia Gorge until late September, but we got an early shower today. It was good to see and feel. The American West has become drier over recent years, so much so that reservoirs...
Hood River I lived in Hood River, Oregon from 2015 to 2019. Photographically, it was the high water mark for me, simply due to the sheer volume of opportunities to take astounding pictures. In this gallery, I will display pictures...
The title for this piece comes in part from an album title from 1983 by a band called Minutemen. The album was called “Buzz or Howl Under the Influence of Heat.” Minutemen were a punk rock band, so the music...
I took the above picture in 2012 on a sheet of 8×10 color film. I enjoyed it a lot. It’s the view from the Rowena Crest Overlook in the Columbia Gorge, Oregon. It’s a favorite spot of mine to take...
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