I started a new gallery on the main site. It’s called “Locations”. I will be exploring various places that I have concentrated on as a photographer in the last 30 years. These range from the Oregon Coast to Hood River...
Hood River I lived in Hood River, Oregon from 2015 to 2019. Photographically, it was the high water mark for me, simply due to the sheer volume of opportunities to take astounding pictures. In this gallery, I will display pictures...
I am, above all, a lover of all things warm (with the exception of ice cream and martinis). As such, getting out in the winter to take pictures is a labor of loathing. I’m not the kind of photographer who...
When I started my photography blog in 2012, I had intended it to be in the vein of Ansel Adams’ many books of technical explanations of how he made his photographs. I intended to discuss the ways of the camera...
Post edit 12/24/24: I moved to Hood River in 2015, but moved back to the Portland area in 2019. Hood River Hotel The move is complete, yet the boxes still abound. The darkroom will be built, but not any time...
A photographer is always moving toward the light, and the light is always moving away from the photographer. Everything is fleeting. To capture a single moment in time and location before it passes forever is truly a blessing. Ruthton Point,...