2023 Calendar – Sold Out!
I have 2023 made a calendar that will be for sale as of the 9th of December. This is an experiment to see how much interest there will be in producing more of them in future years. I do...
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
I have 2023 made a calendar that will be for sale as of the 9th of December. This is an experiment to see how much interest there will be in producing more of them in future years. I do...
I have been concentrating on my Location Galleries on the website lately. I have opened galleries for Hood River, The Columbia Gorge, The Eastern Columbia Gorge, The Oregon Coast, Terra Incognito, Mount Hood and Environs, Portland, Oregon, and now, The...
I started a new gallery on the main site. It’s called “Locations”. I will be exploring various places that I have concentrated on as a photographer in the last 30 years. These range from the Oregon Coast to Hood River...
I hold the Eastern Columbia Gorge, and all points yonder and dry in high esteem. I have said it before on this site, but something about the area put the zap on me about 11 years ago, and has not...
I am, above all, a lover of all things warm (with the exception of ice cream and martinis). As such, getting out in the winter to take pictures is a labor of loathing. I’m not the kind of photographer who...
©2020 Gary L. QuayI took this picture in October of 2020 in the shadow of Rowena Crest along the Historic Columbia River Highway. I’ve said it before, but Oregon’s dry side has become my favorite place in the world.This would...
I’m rewriting a post that I wrote a few years back. I was short on time when I wrote the original, so I thought I needed to give the subject more attention. So, here goes…Looking Over Mosier from the HCRH...
I took the above picture in 2012 on a sheet of 8×10 color film. I enjoyed it a lot. It’s the view from the Rowena Crest Overlook in the Columbia Gorge, Oregon. It’s a favorite spot of mine to take...
Since I lost my darkroom over 3 years ago, I haven’t been able to produce any work from my 8×10 negatives, but I finally bought an Epson V800 scanner, which is capable of scanning 8×10 film. I scanned 2 negatives:...
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