The Oregon Coast
One of the first places I explored when I moved to Oregon in 1991 was the Oregon Coast. I had never lived quite so close to an ocean before, and had the means to get there. My first time on...
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
One of the first places I explored when I moved to Oregon in 1991 was the Oregon Coast. I had never lived quite so close to an ocean before, and had the means to get there. My first time on...
I hold the Eastern Columbia Gorge, and all points yonder and dry in high esteem. I have said it before on this site, but something about the area put the zap on me about 11 years ago, and has not...
The Columbia Gorge The Columbia Gorge was what lit this east coast lad’s soul on fire in the early 1990’s. After moving to Oregon in 1991, I first picked up my old Minolta XG-1 after seeing the place the first...
A sense of place, the essence of the area where one is, to landscape photographers is the Holy Grail. These galleries cover mainly Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, but I recently added a new gallery for the East Coast. Click...
My true passion in photography is film. I have struggled with it over the years, especially with the large format stuff. It is decidedly not easy, but therein lies the challenge that drives me onward: the desire to get it...
Color Film Images Color film was at one time the holy grail of photography: mythical and elusive. Early attempts yielded sludgy colors, and took hours to print a single picture. Then, Kodak introduced Kodachrome. Color became easy. Steady improvements in...
These are pictures created using my Noblex 06-150. I have a lot of fun using it, and I hope that shows in the pictures. I made a post about it here if you want to read more about it. The...
Introverts have no trouble social distancing. It’s the reverse of that which tends to make us uneasy. Still, while we shelter at home, cringing every Sunday when our iPhones notify us of the amount of our lives we have wasted...
There is a tiny Columbia Gorge town about six miles east from Hood River, Oregon, that has become my favorite spot for photography, based mainly on the ruggedness of the scenery, and the bony white oaks that punctuate the landscape. ...
Welcome to my Infrared Galleries. I have photographed in both film and digital infrared. Film Infrared is first. My film of choice was Konica IR 750, but it went out of production in 2005. I have 1 roll left in...
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