The Portland Saturday Market starts uo again in March. These are a few of the pictures that I will have available for sale. Sizes and prices vary. I hope to have all of them listed in the store by March....
I started a new gallery on the main site. It’s called “Locations”. I will be exploring various places that I have concentrated on as a photographer in the last 30 years. These range from the Oregon Coast to Hood River...
The Columbia Gorge The Columbia Gorge was what lit this east coast lad’s soul on fire in the early 1990’s. After moving to Oregon in 1991, I first picked up my old Minolta XG-1 after seeing the place the first...
A sense of place, the essence of the area where one is, to landscape photographers is the Holy Grail. These galleries cover mainly Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, but I recently added a new gallery for the East Coast. Click...
I am, above all, a lover of all things warm (with the exception of ice cream and martinis). As such, getting out in the winter to take pictures is a labor of loathing. I’m not the kind of photographer who...
At the end of November, the Historic Columbia River Highway in Oregon has finally opened between Bridal Veil and Ainsworth State Park. It was the last segment to open after its closure during the Eagle Creek Fire. The HCRH was...
There are once-in-a-lifetime events that define the way we see the world. Some of these are world changing. Some are regional. Some are good, and some are bad. September 2017 will be a watershed for the remainder of the...
Gaia and I are looking to buy, or build, a house in the place where I do most of my photography: the Columbia Gorge. We want a spot on the dryer side, past Hood Rivet, or any place that has...