Infrared Film
Infrared Film Infrared film has been a long time passion of mine, but as I mentioned before, infrared film stocks have diminished over the years. My go to film has been Konica IR 750, but it was discontinued in 2005....
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
Infrared Film Infrared film has been a long time passion of mine, but as I mentioned before, infrared film stocks have diminished over the years. My go to film has been Konica IR 750, but it was discontinued in 2005....
Digital Infrared Infrared film has long been a favorite of mine. It has also become more scarce over the years. There are still infrared films on the market, most notably Ilford SFX and Rollei IR 400, and I have used...
The title for this piece comes in part from an album title from 1983 by a band called Minutemen. The album was called “Buzz or Howl Under the Influence of Heat.” Minutemen were a punk rock band, so the music...
Welcome to my Infrared Galleries. I have photographed in both film and digital infrared. Film Infrared is first. My film of choice was Konica IR 750, but it went out of production in 2005. I have 1 roll left in...
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