Living in the Columbia Gorge.
Gaia and I are looking to buy, or build, a house in the place where I do most of my photography: the Columbia Gorge. We want a spot on the dryer side, past Hood Rivet, or any place that has...
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
Gaia and I are looking to buy, or build, a house in the place where I do most of my photography: the Columbia Gorge. We want a spot on the dryer side, past Hood Rivet, or any place that has...
I took this picture somewhere in Utah on a whirlwind trip to PA and back.Camera: Hasselblad 500CMLens: 50mm Carl Zeiss.Film: Ilford HP5+ developed in Ilfotec HC. Why I love my Hasselblad. That is all.
I made an interesting experiment with this picture. I deliberately overexposed it to bring out the detail in the shadows, and, instead of my initial intention of reducing development to tame the highlights, I used a formula known as Caffenol...
New images at the Leaky Roof in Portland. SW 16th & Jefferson. Come on down, and support a fine, local business. Note: This ended in 2019.
For folks who live in Portland, Oregon, I have a new exhibit at Park Place Coffee at 1289 SE 182nd Ave. Come on down and check it out. Get a coffee of crepe while you’re there. Help support an awesome local...
Sharpness has been the goal of lens manufacturers for over a century.Gins # 8But, not the only goal. To wit: the 16″ Kodak Portrait lens. Softness was the goal when this lens was made way back when Kodak was a...
Adam Robins, a friend and fellow photographer, and I made it to the top of the Angel’s Rest trail today. I didn’t take as much gear, and I took more water. The trail was shrouded in mist, and a light...
Gaia and I went to Pendleton, Oregon in March 2013 on a well deserved vacation. It was entirely too windy to get out my 8×10 camera, but I could hand hold my Speed Graphic if I kept the shutter speed...
Chanticleer Point, November 2012 I took this picture on Tuesday, November 14, 2012 from Chanticleer Point in the Columbia Gorge. For once, the clouds were cooperating. So many times here in NW oregon, we have either total overcast, or blank,...
Traveling with large format cameras is a challenge these days. All the scanners, X-ray machines, and TSA employees scratching their heads, and asking, “What is this?” repeatedly while dismantling my carefully packed camera bag. I had to mail my film...
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