Buzz or Howl: Photographing Heat
The title for this piece comes in part from an album title from 1983 by a band called Minutemen. The album was called “Buzz or Howl Under the Influence of Heat.” Minutemen were a punk rock band, so the music...
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
The title for this piece comes in part from an album title from 1983 by a band called Minutemen. The album was called “Buzz or Howl Under the Influence of Heat.” Minutemen were a punk rock band, so the music...
Introverts have no trouble social distancing. It’s the reverse of that which tends to make us uneasy. Still, while we shelter at home, cringing every Sunday when our iPhones notify us of the amount of our lives we have wasted...
I’m rewriting a post that I wrote a few years back. I was short on time when I wrote the original, so I thought I needed to give the subject more attention. So, here goes…Looking Over Mosier from the HCRH...
Windmills, Maryhill, WashingtonWhat in the Sam Hill is going on at Maryhill?Maryhill, Washington, sits on the northern banks of the Columbia River, and is the eastern boarder of the Columbia Gorge on the Washington side. Named after Sam Hill’s wife,...
I took the above picture in 2012 on a sheet of 8×10 color film. I enjoyed it a lot. It’s the view from the Rowena Crest Overlook in the Columbia Gorge, Oregon. It’s a favorite spot of mine to take...
For a very long time, I refused to do anything in Photoshop that I couldn’t replicate in the darkroom. The reason for this was that I intended to sell all of my images from darkroom prints, including the color pictures. ...
There is a tiny Columbia Gorge town about six miles east from Hood River, Oregon, that has become my favorite spot for photography, based mainly on the ruggedness of the scenery, and the bony white oaks that punctuate the landscape. ...
In 2011 I finally got off of the night shift. The only downside to this was that I was not going to be doing as much night photography. I had been working on an exhibit called, well… The Night Shift....
Welcome to my Infrared Galleries. I have photographed in both film and digital infrared. Film Infrared is first. My film of choice was Konica IR 750, but it went out of production in 2005. I have 1 roll left in...
I call this page “Fun With Pixels” because I take liberties with the image that I normally would not. This is often in the form of the “Orton Effect”, which is basically layering a blurred version of the image over...
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