Rediscovering Ilford XP2 Film
I used Ilford XP2 film when I first picked up a medium format camera, but soon gave it up. Now, I am wonderng why. What is XP2? XP2 is a fine-grained, multi-ISO film that is developed in color negative film...
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
I used Ilford XP2 film when I first picked up a medium format camera, but soon gave it up. Now, I am wonderng why. What is XP2? XP2 is a fine-grained, multi-ISO film that is developed in color negative film...
The Fuji GSW690III Fuji GSW690III in its Natural Habitat Last Spring I bought a Fuji GSW690III camera in pristine shape, and, naturally, it fell off of my tripod in August, giving it that been-around-the-block-a-few-times appearance that most of my cameras...
When entering The Catacombs, carry the right kind of wine.The Vault (or catacombs) is my euphemism for my older work. I keep my negatives in protective sheets in 3-ring binders labeled by the type of film, and the number of...
I will be updating this page frequently to show my current projects, and to let people know about future projects. Rowena Path and Tree, September 2023 Rowena Path and Tree, September 2023 ©2023 Gary L. Quay Getting ready for Fall...
The Columbia Gorge The Columbia Gorge was what lit this east coast lad’s soul on fire in the early 1990’s. After moving to Oregon in 1991, I first picked up my old Minolta XG-1 after seeing the place the first...
Digital Infrared Infrared film has long been a favorite of mine. It has also become more scarce over the years. There are still infrared films on the market, most notably Ilford SFX and Rollei IR 400, and I have used...
My true passion in photography is film. I have struggled with it over the years, especially with the large format stuff. It is decidedly not easy, but therein lies the challenge that drives me onward: the desire to get it...
Well, I’m missing wildflower season in the Columbia Gorge. The Shelter in Place order in the state of Oregon due to the pandemic is keeping me from my favorite places to be in the Spring. So, now what? Walkies in...
In 2011 I finally got off of the night shift. The only downside to this was that I was not going to be doing as much night photography. I had been working on an exhibit called, well… The Night Shift....
Image Gallery I have been photographing Oregon for 30 years, so naturally I have a large backlog of images. Until recently, I used only film. Digital photography is still relatively new to me. My gallery is divided into sections: My...
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