An Elwood 8X10 Enlarger Comes Home to Stay
An Elwood 8×10 enlarger arrives to stir things up a bit.
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
An Elwood 8×10 enlarger arrives to stir things up a bit.
In 2009, I bought a 1939 Deardorff 8×10 camera from Blue Moon Camera and Machine. At the time, the owner, Jake Shivery, told me that it had come from Ackroyd Studios, which had been on Yeon Ave in NW Portland...
Large Format Large format is the Holy Grail of film photography. It’s elusive, mythological to all but the most devoted, and rare. When asked what camera to take along for a photo shoot, Ansel Adams replied “The biggest on you...
The Night Shift “The Night Shift” was a multi-year project that ended in 2011 when I finally got off of the graveyard shift at work. The foundational work was originally intended to run from 2008 to 2009, but I was...
The new darkroom is small, so I’m setting it up to work small, even when developing large format. I bought myself new daylight developing tanks with reels that work with both 5×7 and 8×10, plus a smaller tank for 4×5....
©2020 Gary L. QuayI took this picture in October of 2020 in the shadow of Rowena Crest along the Historic Columbia River Highway. I’ve said it before, but Oregon’s dry side has become my favorite place in the world.This would...
I took the above picture in 2012 on a sheet of 8×10 color film. I enjoyed it a lot. It’s the view from the Rowena Crest Overlook in the Columbia Gorge, Oregon. It’s a favorite spot of mine to take...
In 2011 I finally got off of the night shift. The only downside to this was that I was not going to be doing as much night photography. I had been working on an exhibit called, well… The Night Shift....
The Oregon Coast as seen from Cannon Beach.There’s nothing like a large negative. Technical data:Oregon Coast, Cannon BeachCamera: Deardorff 8×10Lens: 300mm Nikkor-WFilm: Ilford HP5+ Developed in Ilfotec HC.
I finally bought a scanner that can handle an 8×10 negative. Here’s the first scan: Cedar Creek Grist Mill, 8×10 Color I’m excited about the possibilities. Since the demise of my darkroom, 8×10 film has been mostly pie in the...
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