After three years living in Hood River (close to four by the time we move) we made the decision to move back to the Portland area. The reason for moving here did not pan out. It was a long shot anyway. The backstory on that is that we were hoping that Gaia’s health would improve in a place with less pollution. While we enjoy living here, I can’t justify the long commute without the benefit we hoped for.
The benefits we hope to reap with the move are the ability to build another darkroom, a more central location for reaching the coast, the Olympic Peninsula, and the Willamette Valley. I also hope to have a studio, and a framing area again. I’d like to exhibit my work again.
So, another new chapter may be beginning. The move will be painful, and and I will have to sell off a lot of camera gear. I already sold the camera that made this image. I still have the lens, but the camera is gone. I don’t want to have to pay for two storage lockers again. The keyword for the move will be “light.” I can always replace the equipment.
I miss using old film cameras like the one I used for the picture below.

This was a practice run with a new lens. It was a Voigtlander Euryscop Portrait II. It’s a brass barrell lens with waterhouse stops that I made.
Camera: Ansco Whole Plate studio camera
Lens: Voigtlander Euryscop Portrait II
Film: Ilford HP5 developed in PMK Pyro