I like to take the Twirly Camera along whenever I am out to take pictures. For those not in the know, the “Twirly Camera” is a Noblex 06/150 Panoramic camera. It was made in the 1990’s, and it makes panoramic images by spinning its lens around on a turret. It’s this spinning lens feature that made me give it the nickname. It also helps me look at any scene differently.
My original post about the camera is https://quaygang.com/the-twirly-camera/.

©2020 Gary L. Quay
I had the Twirly Camera out for a spin (pun intended) in October of 2020, just as the leaves were starting to change. I wanted to see what would happen it I took it out of a horizontal plane, and boy howdy did it make that bridge dance.
Camera: Nobles 06/150
Film: Kodak 400NC, expired 2008, but freezer kept.

©2020 Gary L. Quay
I had the Twirly Camera out for a spin (pun intended) in Dufur during July 2020. I had just got it back from Precision Camera Works, where they replace the gears that spin the turret, among other things. But, before I could scan the any of the negatives, my scanner started leaving lines in the scans. Strangely enough, the camera was also leaving lines in the negatives. The when the gears go bad, the turret hesitates, and causes areas of more density. Both the camera and the scanner had issues that caused the same thing. Whodathunkit? Both are fixed now. I had the scanner fixed at Portland Printer Place. Good people. They need your support.
Camera: Noblex 06-150
Film: Kodak T-Max 100

©2021 Gary L. Quay
I was out with some photographer friends from Salem, Oregon in late July to do some panoramas at the Baskett Slough. It was a bit hot, and I was a bit dry, but a good time was had by all.
Camera: Noblex 06/150
Film: Kodak E100

©2020 Gary L. Quay
I had the Twirly Camera out for a spin in early November 2020 as the fall colors were peaking in the Columbia Gorge. Naturally, I had black and white film in the camera, but I really like the way this turned out.
Camera: Noblex 06/150
Film: Kodak T-Max 100 developed in Eco-Pro Film Developer (Xtol).

©2020 Gary L. Quay
This is from a Gorge trip earlier in November. I had the twirly Camera out for another spin, and brought this home. The camera had a hickup of some sort, because this picture and the one before it had less density in the center. No other pictures on the roll had the same issue.
Camera: Noblex 06/150
Film: Kodak T-Max 100 Developed in Eco-Pro Film Developer.
Many more Twirly adventures await!
Thanks for looking!
Gary L. Quay