I will be updating this page frequently to show my current projects, and to let people know about future projects.
©2023 Gary L. Quay
Getting ready for Fall with an exploratory mission to Rowena to check on the white oaks. They haven’t turned colors yet, but they’re close.
Camera, Hasselblad 500CM
Lens: 80mm Zeiss Planar with a yellow filter
Film: Rollei Superpan 200 developed in 510-Pyro
©2023 Gary L. Quay
This was on my first hike with the new Fuji GSW690III. It’s a rangefinder, so I will have to get used to the parralex. The falls is slightly off center, but I am not sure if that’s a problem.
Camera: Fuji GSW690III
Lens: 65mm Fujinon
Film: Kodak TMax100 developed in Ilfotec HC.
Dry Creek Falls, Cascade Locks, Oregon, August 2023

©2023 Gary L. Quay
I hiked up to Dry Creek falls on the Pacific Crest Trail for the first time, and had the Flexbody with. I had the falls to myself for about 10 minutes, and used it to my advantage.
Camera: Hasselblad Flexbody
Lens: 50mm Zeiss Distagon
Film: Ilford Pan F 50 developed in PMK Pyro.
©2024 Gary L. Quay
I have been trying to get this picture right for a few years, and I may have done it. I love the Eastern Columbia Gorge in the Fall. There is no place like it.
This is located in the Columbia Gorge, next to the Historic Columbia River Highway under Rowena Crest. The light was effervescent.
Camera: Hasselblad 500CM
Lens: 80mm Zeiss Planar
Media: Hasselblad CFV 100C Digital Back.
I have been trying to rehabilitate my Deardorff 8×10 camera. It has developed a number of light leaks, and instabilities over the years. I had professional repair work done a few months ago, but some challenges remain. The picture above turned out just fine, though. Click on the image to go to the post.
Image: “2nd Street, Downtown Portland, December 2021”
©2021 Gary L. Quay
I am doing a film test to correct some issues that I am having with developing film, and to diagnose some potential light leaks in my camera. This picture turned out pretty good, despite the speed in which I set up and took it.
I am considering building a new darkroom in my house. It will be much large the the current one, which could be really nice. I’ll keep everyone posted.
Camera: Deardorff V8
Lens: 165mm Schneider Angulon
Film: Ilford HP5+ developed in Photographers Formulary FA-1027
I am looking for interesting people to photograph with a very large camera. Click on the above image for details.
Image: “Adam and Hil, Barlow Wayside Trail, October 2021”
©2021 Gary L. Quay
Adam and Hil were the first victims of the Portrait Project, which was perpetrated at the Barlow Wayside Trail.
Camera: Deardorff V8
Lens: 360mm Schneider
Film: Bergger Panchro 400 developed in Ilfotec HC
I have focused a lot of attention to the Eastern Columbia Gorge of late, but I have been branching out to the mossy branches and leaping streams on the slopes of Mount Hood. For these images, I am working on a toned-down version of the Orton Effect, which is a method of creating a dream-like image with higher saturation and an otherworldly glow. Click on the above image for details. The images I am referring to are mixed in with film images that are decided non-Orton. Feel free to enjoy them all.
Image: “A Waterfall on the Zigzag River, Rhododendron, Oregon”
©2021 Gary L. Quay
Seasons of change. Spring and Autumn are interesting for photography. I wasn’t able to get out much this fall, so I don’t have many pictures to show for it. I always regret missing peak foliage, but it wasn’t to be this year. So, I present to you a spring picture earlier this year.
This is the Zigzag River near Mt. Hood.
Camera: Niko D810
Lens: 24-85mm Nikon
I am exploring the Oregon Coast as much as I can lately. When I lived in Hood River, I did not go there as much because of the added distance. Now that I am back in the Portland area, I am spending more time there.
Image: “Arcadia Beach, Oregon Coast, December 2021”
©2021 Gary L. Quay
Gaia and I were out at the Oregon Coast on New Years Eve to catch a sunset. It was a nice one.
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 24-85mm Nikon
I don’t have a post of page set up for this one yet, but I am trying to get the pictures taken by the end of the summer. My wife and Artistic Director, Gaia, suggested taking pictures of all of the places with names that suggest less than optimal experiences during the early years of the Pacific Northwest.
Some examples:
Cape Fowlweather
Cape Disappointment
Deadman Pass
Starvation Creek
Mount Defiance
More to come.
Image: “Cape Disappointment Lighthouse, December 2021”
©2021 Gary L. Quay
Cape Disappointment has one of those great place names that express some of the hardships and horrors that abounded during the settling of the Wset. This one happens to come with a lighthouse.
Camera: Hasselblad 500CM
Lens: 250 Zeiss Sonnar
Film: Fuji Acros II developed in FA-1027
Featured Image: “King Tide at the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse, November 2023”
©2023 Gary L. Quay
We made the pilgrimage to Cape Disappointment State Park in Ilwaco, Washington in late November to take our place with the hundrer or so other photographers perched on and about the driftwood at Wikiki Beach to catch the waves. The only difference was that I had an 8×10 Deardorff there too. This picture is not from that camera, but it was from the same day. The film pictures will turn up here should they turn out good.
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 150-600mm Tamron