Losing My Darkroom.
Black is turning to white. My darkroom since 2005 is turning back into a bedroom. We’re getting ready to move into the Columbia Gorge, so I’m getting the Portland house ready for sale. The saddest part of this tearing down...
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
Darkroom technique and musings
Black is turning to white. My darkroom since 2005 is turning back into a bedroom. We’re getting ready to move into the Columbia Gorge, so I’m getting the Portland house ready for sale. The saddest part of this tearing down...
This is from my East Coast trip last Spring. I have a few more rolls of my favorite film, Konica IR 750, which was discontinued in 2006, in my freezer. I shot this roll over nearly a year, choosing each...
I made an interesting experiment with this picture. I deliberately overexposed it to bring out the detail in the shadows, and, instead of my initial intention of reducing development to tame the highlights, I used a formula known as Caffenol...
Chanticleer Point, November 2012 I took this picture on Tuesday, November 14, 2012 from Chanticleer Point in the Columbia Gorge. For once, the clouds were cooperating. So many times here in NW oregon, we have either total overcast, or blank,...
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