Moving Back to the Portland Area
After three years living in Hood River (close to four by the time we move) we made the decision to move back to the Portland area. The reason for moving here did not pan out. It was a long shot...
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
Here is where I discuss camera and darkroom equipment, film and paper developing, and the Zone System
After three years living in Hood River (close to four by the time we move) we made the decision to move back to the Portland area. The reason for moving here did not pan out. It was a long shot...
Photography memorial time. I made a decision last week. It’s been 3 and a half years since I tore down my darkroom in order to sell my Portland house, so that we could move to Hood River. The current house...
Featured image: Dahlia in full flame-on at Draper Girls Farm in Parkdale, Oregon. I added a little Photoshop PFM to enhance. Within the last few years, I have begun learning the ins and outs of macro photography. I don’t have...
I have been looking to branch out into new territory both in location and subject matter, and in technique. After I took the plunge into digital photography, I continued on the path I set for my film photography, which was...
When I first started posting my photos on Flickr in 2008, I had no idea what I was doing. I was a darkroom photographer trying to display my images on the internet with a race car computer and a horse-and-buggy...
Recent portrait work. This is a film shot from March 2017 with Joe Ruffin and family. This one turned out pretty well.
Post update 2/12/22. When Summer is on the horizon, I begin plotting my infrared film adventures. This year will be no different. I have 2 rolls of Konica IR 750 remaining from a block of 10 I bought off of...
I took this picture somewhere in Utah on a whirlwind trip to PA and back.Camera: Hasselblad 500CMLens: 50mm Carl Zeiss.Film: Ilford HP5+ developed in Ilfotec HC. Why I love my Hasselblad. That is all.
I made an interesting experiment with this picture. I deliberately overexposed it to bring out the detail in the shadows, and, instead of my initial intention of reducing development to tame the highlights, I used a formula known as Caffenol...
Sharpness has been the goal of lens manufacturers for over a century.Gins # 8But, not the only goal. To wit: the 16″ Kodak Portrait lens. Softness was the goal when this lens was made way back when Kodak was a...
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