Test driving a Hasselblad CFV 100S
I waited a couple of years for hasseblad to relesae the 100 mp version of its CFV digital camera back. I wanted to use it on my 500CM camera, giving me the ability to use film and digital with a...
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
Info on cameras I own, and about cameras in general
I waited a couple of years for hasseblad to relesae the 100 mp version of its CFV digital camera back. I wanted to use it on my 500CM camera, giving me the ability to use film and digital with a...
The Fuji GSW690III Fuji GSW690III in its Natural Habitat Last Spring I bought a Fuji GSW690III camera in pristine shape, and, naturally, it fell off of my tripod in August, giving it that been-around-the-block-a-few-times appearance that most of my cameras...
Summer is here! It’s infrared season once again. Warm weather came late to the Pacific Northwest this year. That doesn’t happen often, but having a more temperate June was welcome. Now that July is here, I stocked up with infrared...
The continuing story of the 8×10 Deardorff CameraAfter I picked up my Deardorff from having it repaired I was eager to get it out for a test. That was about the time that wildfires erupted in the West. Smoke presented...
I like to take the Twirly Camera along whenever I am out to take pictures. For those not in the know, the “Twirly Camera” is a Noblex 06/150 Panoramic camera. It was made in the 1990’s, and it makes panoramic...
From my earliest days I’ve thought of myself as an artist. Before I entered school I drew pictures of ornate robots on airless moons, comets with sweeping tails, ray-gunning spaceships, and Saturn-like ringed planets. In kindergarten I patiently waited my...
In 2009, I bought a 1939 Deardorff 8×10 camera from Blue Moon Camera and Machine. At the time, the owner, Jake Shivery, told me that it had come from Ackroyd Studios, which had been on Yeon Ave in NW Portland...
OrBe Careful What You Wish For. You Just May Get It.I recently purchased a camera that I have wanted for the last 20 years. It’s a Noblex 06/150 medium format panoramic camera. I call it the “twirly camera” because the...
These days, square pictures are all the rage on Instagram, and Facebook, but they certainly did not start there. There have been a variety of square format cameras from Polaroids to Mamiyas, going back many decades. I even had a...
After three years living in Hood River (close to four by the time we move) we made the decision to move back to the Portland area. The reason for moving here did not pan out. It was a long shot...
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