Facade # 2
Picture post. Gaia and I were in Portland last week, and we took some time to take some pictures in the east side industrial area near the waterfront. Here are two more pictures from the trip:BrickEastside Industrial, Portland
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
Places I’ve been with cameras
Picture post. Gaia and I were in Portland last week, and we took some time to take some pictures in the east side industrial area near the waterfront. Here are two more pictures from the trip:BrickEastside Industrial, Portland
Charles Nelson House (pictured) was consumed by fire. This summer’s wildfires started a month early, and it showed no signs of letting up. This house pictured above burned in July in the Substation Fire. More fires started in the area...
The Old Gorge Highway is still closed between Bridal Veil and Ainsworth due the aftermath of the Eagle Creek fire. It’s been a heartbreaking 9 months since the fire started. Parenthetically, a small part of the fire re-ignted earlier this...
Driving through the Columbia Gorge, as I do back and forth to work every weekday could have a tendency to make the spectacular into the mundane. I think about this sometimes when the light isn’t quite right, and I decline...
This is from this month’s trip to Pendleton. The city has a very interesting, and occasionally scandalous, history, which is evident in the names of some of the establishments. In the early 1900’s, Pendleton was a hub for military, farm,...
There are once-in-a-lifetime events that define the way we see the world. Some of these are world changing. Some are regional. Some are good, and some are bad. September 2017 will be a watershed for the remainder of the...
I’ve been falling in love with the eastern Columbia Gorge for about a decade, so one would think that the falling would be done by now. I grew up in the deciduous forests of central Pennsylvania, where summers were lush,...
I finally made it down to the viewpoint at White River Falls with an 8×10 camera in May. My left knee was well enough to attempt the climb down with 70 pounds of camera gear. There may be hope yet.
Post update 2/12/22. When Summer is on the horizon, I begin plotting my infrared film adventures. This year will be no different. I have 2 rolls of Konica IR 750 remaining from a block of 10 I bought off of...
There is a smaller gorge within the Cokumbia Gorge called the Oneonta Gorge. It’s more of a slot canyon, but we’ll stick with “gorge” for now. I’ll start by saying that I have no pictures of it. Here’s why. The...
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