Rediscovering Ilford XP2 Film
I used Ilford XP2 film when I first picked up a medium format camera, but soon gave it up. Now, I am wonderng why. What is XP2? XP2 is a fine-grained, multi-ISO film that is developed in color negative film...
Fine Photography from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond.
I used Ilford XP2 film when I first picked up a medium format camera, but soon gave it up. Now, I am wonderng why. What is XP2? XP2 is a fine-grained, multi-ISO film that is developed in color negative film...
I received a comment on my blog recently that stated simply, and in its entirety, “You’re a digital hating hipster.” Well, I wasn’t even hip when I was the right age for it, but, more to the point, I don’t...
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