The heart of every darkroom is the sink. I went round and round on this one: whether to buy one from Delta or Arkay, find one used, or buy a commercial stainless steel version. In the end, I opted for cheap. I bought a sheet of plywood, a straight edge with which to cut it, and some rubberized paint (that I think I will regret using). I used some 2×4 studs that I had used in the upstairs darkroom wall, and built the frame around the sink, painted it, and installed plumbing,

And, then it was time to test it out, as well as the light-tightness of the room. I made a print with the Elwood enlarge. There will be some bugs to work out with the printing process and a 70-year old enlarger, but while the first attempt was not a success, it was a good test of concept.

While the new darkroom presents some challenges, both with keeping it light-tight, and learning how to adapt an ancient enlarger to modern, variable contrast papers, I am looking forward to the process. It feels really good to be back on the saddle after 6 years without an adequate darkroom. Stay tuned.