Post update 2/12/22.
When Summer is on the horizon, I begin plotting my infrared film adventures. This year will be no different.
I have 2 rolls of Konica IR 750 remaining from a block of 10 I bought off of eBay a few years back. It expired in 1990, but it has been freezer kept, so fogging is at a minimum. It’s my all-time favorite film, so naturally it’s been discontinued since 2005.

©2003 Gary L. Quay.
An old barn and wheel near Goldendale, Washington. Learning to see with a camera is not always as easy as it may seem. Back when I was still dating my wife, she lived near Klickitat, Washington. On a hot, August day, we drove out of dusty Goldendale with my Hasselblad and a few rolls of Konica Infrared film. From somewhere in the dog-eared Western songbook, came this wheel and barn near a bend in the road. I set up my tripod, and lined up the shot with the wheel directly in front of the barn. Having been an artist since, well, birth, my future wife suggested moving a few steps to the left. What a difference! Finding the right angles and lines for any given image presents a challenge, and it always pays to be open to suggestion.
Camera: Hasselblad 500 CM
Lens: 80mm Zeiss Planar
Film: Konica Infrared.

©2017 Gary L. Quay
This one was taken on Infrared film, Konica IR 750 (R.I.P.) to be exact. I love the way this film looks. I’ll be sad when my last roll is finally gone. I have four left.
Camera: Hasselblad 500CM
Lens: 50mm Zeiss Distagon
Film: Konica IR 750

©2020 Gary L. Quay
I have been photographing this old gas station since it still had a roof. I don’t do it often, but today was the day for it.
Camera: Nikon D300 (infrared conversion)
Lens: Vintage 20mm Nikkor.
Visit my Infrared Gallery for more.
I will be updating this mage as the coming summer progresses.