I have been concentrating on my Location Galleries on the website lately. I have opened galleries for Hood River, The Columbia Gorge, The Eastern Columbia Gorge, The Oregon Coast, Terra Incognito, Mount Hood and Environs, Portland, Oregon, and now, The East Coast. I have been adding photos dating back to 1998, but may add older ones if they make the cut. I added anecdotes and technical data about the pictures, as well as some biographical information. Feel free to stop by and check them out.
The East Coast Gallery is made up of predominantly film images, taken on infrequent trips “back home.” Here’s a small taste:
The East Coast

Here’s a sampling of the other Locations Galleries:
Hood River

The Columbia Gorge

The Eastern Columbia Gorge

The Oregon Coast

Terra Incognito

Mount Hood and Environs

Portland, Oregon

Use the image gallery link at the top of the page to find all of my galleries, or click on the titles above the pictures.
Thanks for looking!
Gary L. Quay